Latest News about Charisma Audio

Introduction to Charisma Audio
Established in 2000 by a group of audio enthusiasts to supply Canada with premium quality audio components at affordable prices, Charisma Audio also specifies and procures its own vinyl replay components from expert manufacturers around the world.
The company has grown to represent many of the most respected Hi-Fi brands in its home country but reserves a special affection for its proprietary designs, including the MC, Reference and Signature Series of moving coil cartridges, Musiko Phono Stage and Musiko Turntable, Tone Arm, and Tone Arm cable - also available as a complete assembly.

Still guided by Its founder, Bernard Li, who for over fourteen years was a contributing editor of ‘Audiotechnique’ (Hong Kong’s leading audio magazine), Charisma Audio is a company built around a twenty-five-year love affair for vinyl. To quote Mr Li “this is not a job, but an enthusiasm for music”.

Award-Winning Products
““The Eco conveyed level changes and sudden dynamics with great assuredness. It gave a superbly realistic account of the sound staging, and a very believable depth to the recording, the instruments spatially separated, the soundstage extended beyond and between the speakers as if the narrow slit window has been opened out to a full cinema screen.”
- Charisma Audio Eco MM cartridge, the-ear.net Best Buy, June 2022

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If you would like to arrange a relaxed Charisma Audio demonstration at a local specialist retailer or demonstration in the comfort of your own home, please complete the form below, then click on the submit button. We will then get in-touch with you.